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skʷinutaʔytn Reconciliation Plaque

The skʷinutaʔytn Reconciliation / Traditional Territory Plaque recognizes that Fintry Provincial Park is part of the Syilx Okanagan’s unceded territory and proclaims the delta provides critical habitat for endangered and sensitive species.

Reconciliation Plaque

We respectfully acknowledge that the Fintry Estate is on the unceded traditional territory of the syilx (Okanagan) people.

View of Fintry

Members of the Okanagan Indian Band celebrated a new monument honouring the Syilx Okanagan at the Fintry Estate May, 2022. From left are Viola Brown, Pauline Archachan, Dan Wilson, Bill Robins, Danielle Saddleman, and Jordan Coble (Councillor, Westbank First Nation).

x̌ast iʔ snkʷinutaʔytn iʔ swqnaqínx, iʔ sqílxʷ.  ixíʔ a cəcəwíxaʔ aʔ tiʔ ctɣap. ixíʔ x̌c̓x̌ac̓t iʔ k̓l sqílxʷ, iʔ k̓l swqnaqínx. l̓ sqipc iklí xʷuy məł tq̓cncutəlx. uł iʔ scm̓maʔys l̓ upknst uł tmił sx̌əx̌cəciksts spin̓kt. n̓kʷalaʔ ixíʔ swaxʷuytns uł ixíʔ iʔ sqílxʷ iʔ sw̓knaqn snʕaywixʷstnsəlx iʔ xəxʷiłp. məł itíʔ n̓kʷala swaxʷuytns iʔ səccúns iʔ q̓sapí xʷaspin̓kt ixíʔ iʔ syxʷapməx nał  iʔ swqnaqínx sntiáqtsəlx ixíʔ. ixíʔ snqʷtiʔútaʔ ixíʔ xc̓xac̓t iʔ ylmixʷm n̓kʷalaʔ. iʔ tiqan̓t təkʷtikʷantiməlx uł łə way̓ łə stiáqsəlx. ntəkʷkʷtiməlx məł ixíʔ iʔ k̓l lut kscłaqsw̓səlx ixíʔ l̓ k̓l tsxʷuys. ixíʔ ápnaʔ snkʷnutaʔ ixíʔ acnq̓nusəs iʔ tmixʷ. ápnaʔ iʔ ckłkáyxʷəxʷ, lut swit ilíʔ tá ctixʷcncut ápnaʔ ilíʔ. uł kʷ ła cxʷuy iklíʔ łakin acn̓pyil̓s miscxʷaqs ilíʔ

Friends of Fintry acknowledge that both Fintry Estate and Fintry Provincial Park are situated on the unceded ancestral territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation. The Shorts Creek delta is culturally important to the Syilx People providing a summer fishing camp on a trade route known in the 1800s as n̓kwala’s Trail. smy̓may̓, oral history, tells of a battle on the delta between the Syilx and Shuswap that ended when Grand Chief n̓kwala mediated a truce. The historical relevance plays a key role in maintaining healthy ecosystems for future generations. This surrounding area provides critical habitat for numerous species now considered endangered or sensitive. Please take consideration as you enjoy your time here.

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